First Sergeant John Hatley (now 50 years old) has served over has served over 10 years in confinement for the supposed "war crime" of killing detainees in a war zone in Iraq during a routine patrol in early 2007. He was convicted solely on testimony with no physical or forensic evidence, no identified victims, or reports of missing persons being presented at trial.

John's spent almost 20 years in the Army with an otherwise excellent and longstanding combat and military record as a Paratrooper, Ranger, and Infantryman. Because of the large volume of people who vouch for 1SG Hatley's character, and due to the unlawful command influence exhibited in this case, Maher Legal Services joined ranks with First Sergeant's family and reached out to Congressman Flores to ask for his help.
Congressman Flores reviewed the case, interviewed those who know John Hatley, and even visited John at the United Stated Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) on Fort Leavenworth, KS. After completing his investigation, Congressman Flores wrote a letter asking for clemency or early parole to help correct this injustice.
You can read the letter from Maher Legal Services as well as the letter written by Congressman Flores below.